Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tha Garden Variety

  I've been working in my flower garden everyday......ok. quick segue. I laugh inwardly whenever I say something like, "I'm gonna go work in my garden." or "My sunflowers are doing well." The reason being that, I'm the girl who can't keep even bamboo alive. Seriously, everytime it turned black. But anywho...
I'm trying to grow sunflowers, babies breath, and corn flowers.

I think this is cornflowers? It's in the same spot I put the seeds, but I honestly don't know if it's flowers or weeds. : /

The plants in the straightish row on the right side of the pic are some of the sunflowers. :D They were the first ones to.....sprout? Well anyway, they were the first ones I saw. I love sunflowers. A sort of dreamish thing of mine is to one day have a sunflower field, they're so whimsical.

This is where I planted the babies breath. And I think that they're the smaller plants. I'm pretty sure the larger ones are weeds, but I'm not positive. Therefore whenever I pick weeds I pick around this area.


Anonymous said...

I don't garden because it always wilts and dies away whenever I try to take care of it.

We did have sunflowers once. I had asked if we could plant some one summer, and we did. They grew and grew and grew! Finally I pulled them out and started peeling the seeds from the flowers. The sunflower seeds was YUMMY! I don't remember if I actually weeded around the sunflower? At least three of them survived.

Matthew said...

Yeah, I don't really have that green of a thumb either. Our neighbor gave us some sunflowers she started from seed, they are taller than me now... :)

Jackie said...

Congrats!!! Looks good!!!!

We have a garden going right now too... love it!! Too bad the darn dog gets to the goods before we can. grrrrrrr LOVE THE PUPPIES!!!